IS 14543 : 2024 Packaged Drinking Water (other than Packaged Natural Mineral Water) - Specification

ICS 13.060.20

FAD 14


This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and test for packaged drinking water (other than natural mineral water) offered for consumption and/or for sale in packaged form.


The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of these standards.

IS No. Title
IS 3025 Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water and waste water:
(Part 2) : 2019/ISO 11885 : 2007 Determination of selected elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES) (first revision)
(Part 4) : 2021 Colour (second revision)
(Part 5) : 2018 Odour (second revision)
(Part 8) : 2023 Taste rating (second revision)
(Part 10) : 2023 Turbidity (second revision)
(Part 11) : 2022/ISO 10523 : 2008 pH value (second revision)
(Part 16) : 2023 Filterable residue (total dissolved solids) at 180 °C (second revision)
(Part 23) : 2023 Alkalinity (second revision)
(Part 24) Sulphates,
(Sec 1) : 2022 Gravimetric and turbidity methods (second revision)
(Sec 2) : 2021/ISO 22743 : 2006 Method by continuous flow analysis
(Part 26) : 2021 Chlorine, residual (second revision)
(Part 27) Cyanide,
(Sec 1) : 2021 Titrimetric, colorimetric and ion-selective methods (second revision)
(Sec 2) : 2022/ISO 14403-1 : 2012 Method using flow injection analysis
(Sec 3) : 2021/ISO 14403-2 : Method using continuous flow analysis (CFA)
(Part 29) : 2022 Sulphide (second revision)
(Part 32) : 1988 Chloride (first revision)
(Part 34/Sec 1) : 2023 Nitrogen, Section 1 Determination of various types of nitrogen like ammoniacal, nitrate, nitrite and organic nitrogen (second revision)
(Part 37) : 2022 Arsenic (second revision)
(Part 40 : 1991) Calcium (first revision)
(Part 41 : 2023) Cadmium (second revision)
(Part 42 : 1992) Copper (first revision)
(Part 39) : 2021 Oil and grease (second revision)
(Part 43/Sec 1 : 2022) Phenol, Section 1 4-aminoantipyrine method with and without chloroform extaction method (second revision)
(Part 45) : 1993 Sodium and potassium (first revision)
(Part 46) : 2023 Magnesium (second revision)
(Part 47) : 1994 Lead (first revision)
(Part 48) : 1994 Mercury (first revision)
(Part 49) : 1994 Zinc (first revision)
(Part 53) : 2003 Iron (first revision)
(Part 55) : 2003 Aluminium (first revision)
(Part 56) : 2003 Selenium (first revision)
(Part 59) : 2006 Manganese (first revision)
(Part 60) Fluoride,
(Sec 1) : 2023 Ion-selective electrode, SPANDS and liquid chromatography methods (second revision)
(Sec 2) : 2022/ISO/TS 17951-1 : 2016 Method using flow injection analysis (FIA) and spectrometric detection after off-line distillation
(Sec 3) : 2022/ISO/TS 17951-2 : 2016 Method using continuous flow analysis (CFA) with automated in-line distillation
(Part 65) : 2022/ISO 17294-2 : 2016 Application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Determination of selected elements including uranium isotopes (first revision)
(Part 67) : 2018/ISO 15061 : 2001 Determination of dissolved bromate - Method by liquid chromatography of ions
(Part 68) : 2019 Anionic surfactants
(Part 75) : 2022/ISO 10304-1 : 2007 Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfate
(Part 78) : 2021/ISO 16265 : 2009 Determination of the methylene blue active substances ( MBAS ) index - Method using continuous flow analysis (CFA)
(Part 79) : 2023 Silver
IS 4905 : 2015/ISO 24153 : 2009 Random sampling and randomization procedures (first revision)
IS 5401 (Part 1) : 2012/ISO 4832 : 2006 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms: Part 1 Colonycount technique (second revision)
IS 5402 (Part 1) : 2021/ISO 4833-1 : 2013 Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms: Part 1 Colony count at 30 °C by the pour plate technique (third revision)
IS 5887 Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning:
(Part 2) : 1976 Isolation, identification and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus and faecal streptococci (first revision)
(Part 5/Sec 1) : 2023/ISO 21872-1 : 2017 Horizontal method for the determination of Vibrio spp., Section 1 Detection of potentially enteropathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio vulnificus (second revision)
(Part 7) : 1999 General guidance on methods isolation and identification of Shigella
IS 10500 : 2012 Drinking water - Specification (second revision)
IS 11984 : 1986 Specification for glass bottles for free flowing liquids
IS 13428 : 2005 Packaged natural mineral water - Specification (second revision)
IS 14194 Radionuclides in environmental samples - Methods of estimation:
(Part 1) : 2020 Gross beta activity measurement (second revision)
(Part 2) : 2022 Gross alpha activity measurement (second revision)
(Part 3) : 2021 Uranium (first revision)
IS 15185 : 2016/ISO 9308-1 : 2014 Water quality - Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and Coliform bacteria - Membrane filtration method for water with low bacterial background flora (first revision)
IS 15186 : 2002/ISO 7899-2 : 2000 Water quality - Detection and enumeration of intestinal Enterococci - Membrane filtration method
IS 15187 : 2016/ISO 19250 : 2010 Water quality - Detection of Salmonella species (first revision)
IS 15188 : 2022/ISO 8199 : 2018 Water quality - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations by culture (second revision)
IS 15302 : 2003 Determination of aluminium and barium in water by direct nitrous oxide - Acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry
IS 15303 : 2003 Determination of antimony, iron and selenium in water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric method
IS 15410 : 2003 Containers for packaging of natural mineral water and packaged drinking water - Specification
IS 15609 : 2005 Polyethylene flexible pouches for the packaging of natural mineral water and packaged drinking water - Specification
IS 15669 : 2006/ISO 10695 : 2000 Water quality - Determination of selected organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds - Gas chromatographic method
IS 16069 (Part 1) : 2013/ISO 21527-1 : 2008 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds - Part 1: Colony count technique in products with water activity greater than 0.95
IS 17753 : 2021 Paperbased multilayer laminated/extruded composite cartons (aseptic and non-aseptic) for processed liquid food products and beverages - Specification
IS 18285 : 2023 Aluminium cans for packaged natural mineral water and packaged drinking water - Specification
ISO 16266-2 : 2018 Water quality - Detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Part 2: Most probable number method