IS 14654 : 2024 Minimizing Evaporation Losses from Reservoirs - Guidelines

ICS 93.160

WRD 10


This standard gives guideline for reduction of evaporation losses from water bodies including the use of chemical retardants to control evaporation. The standard also indicates the available measures to control the evaporation.


The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of these standards.

IS No. Title
IS 5235 : 1992 Meteorology - Raingauges recording - Specification (first revision)
IS 5681 : 1992 General meteorological thermometers, liquid-in-glass - Specification (second revision)
IS 5793 : 1970 Specification for aneroid barometers
IS 5798 : 1970 Specification for mercury barometers
IS 5799 : 1970 Specification for windvane
IS 5948 : 1970 Specification for thermometer screens
IS 5973 : 1998 Pan evaporimeter - Specification (first revision)
IS 6939 : 1992 Methods for determination of evaporation from reservoirs (first revision)
IS 7243 : 1974 Specification for sunshine recorder