IS 14660 : Part 1 : 1999 Shipbuilding - Filling Connection for Drinking Water Tanks - Part 1 : General Requirements

ICS 47.020.30 TED 17
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 1) specifies the principle requirements,the composition and the designation of the complete fillingconnection and gives a recommendation for the installation aboardship.

1.2 Details for the components of this filling connection aregiven in Part 2 of this standard; both for the distribution systemand for the ship.

1.3 The general rules for drinking water distribution systemsfall within the competence of national port authorities and areoutside the scope of this standard.

2 References

IS 2062 :1992Steel for general structural purposes

IS 4759 :1996Hot dip zinc coating on structural steel andother allied products

IS 14660 : Part 2 :1999 Shipbuilding - Filling connection fordrinkingwater tanks:Part 2 Components