IS 15021 : Part 3 : 2001 Technical Drawings - Projection Methods - Part 3 : Axonometric Representations

ICS 01.100.01 PGD 24
Reaffirmed 2017

National Foreword

This Indian Standard (Part 3) which is identical with ISO 5456-3: 1996 `Technical drawings - Projection methods - Part 3:Axonometric representations issued by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards on the recommendation of Drawings SectionalCommittee and approval of the Basic and Production EngineeringDivision Council.


International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 128 :1982 IS 10714 : 1983 General principles of presentation on technical drawings
ISO 129 :1985 IS 11669 : 1986 General principles ofdimensioning on technical drawings
ISO 3098-1 : 1974 IS9609 : Part 1 : 1983 Lettering on technicaldrawings:Part 1 English characters
ISO 5456-1 : 1996 IS 15021 : Part 1 : 2001 Technicaldrawings -Projection methods: Part 1 Synopsis
ISO 10209-1 : 1992 IS 8930 : Part 1 : 1995 Technical productdocumentation - Vocabulary:Part 1 Terms relating to technical drawings:General and types of drawings
ISO 10209-2 : 1993 IS 8930 :Part 2 : 2001 Technical productdocumentation - Vocabulary:Part 2 Terms relating to projection methods
ISO 6412-2 : 1989 IS 10990 : Part 2 : 1992 Technicaldrawings - Simplified representation of pipelines:Part 2 Isometric projections