IS 15217 : 2002 Fuel Oil for Diesel Generating Sets - Specification

ICS 75.160.20 PCD 3
Reaffirmed 2014

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods ofsampling and test for fuel oil for use in diesel generating setengines.

1.2 This specification provides guidance for interested parties,such as diesel generating set designers, suppliers and purchasersof DG set fuels.

2 References

IS 1447 : Part 1 :2000 Petroleum and its products - Methodsof sampling: Part 1 Manual sampling

IS 1448 Methods of test for petroleum and its products

     Part 2 :1967 Acidity

     Part 4 :1984 Ash, sulphated ash and water soluble ash

     Part 6 :1984 Calorific value by Bomb calorimeter method

     Part 7 :1960 Calorific value by calculation

     Part 8 :1967 Carbon residue by Ramsbottom method

     Part 10 :1970 Cloud point and pour point

     Part 21 :1992 Flash point (closed) by Pensky Martens apparatus

     Part 25 :1976 Determination of kinematic and dynamic viscosity

     Part 30 :1970 Sediment in crude and fuel oils by extraction

     Part 32 :1992 Density and relative density

     Part 33 :1991 Sulphur by Bomb method

     Part 40 :1987 Water by distillation