IS 15359 : 2003 /ISO 11329 : 2001 Hydrometric Determinations - Measurement of Suspended Sediment Transport in Tidal Channels

ICS 01.040.17; 17.120.20 WRD 1

Reaffirmed 2023


This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 11329 : 2001`Hydrometric determinations - Measurement of suspended sedimenttransport in tidal channels' issued by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards on the recommendations of the Fluid FlowMeasurement Sectional Committee and approval of the Water ResourcesDivision Council.

Cross References

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 772 IS 1191 : 2003 Hydrometric determinations - Vocabulary and
ISO 2425 IS 15122 : 2002 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels
under tidal conditions