IS 15482 : 2004 /IEC 61842 : 2002 Microphones and Earphones for Speech Communications

ICS 33.160.50; 17.140.50 LTD 7
Reaffirmed 2019

National Foreword

This Indian Standard which is identical with IEC 61842 : 2002 `Microphonesand earphones for speech communications' issued by the InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC) was adopted by the Bureau of IndianStandards on the recommendations of Acoustics and Recording SectionalCommittee and approval of the Electronics and Telecommunications DivisionCouncil.

Cross References

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
IEC 60268-1 IS 9302 : Part 1 : 1979 Characteristics and methods of measurements
for sound system equipment:
Part 1 General
IEC 60268-4 IS 9302 : Part 3 : 1981 Characteristics and methods of
measurements for sound system equipment:
Part 3 Microphones
IEC 60268-7 IS 9302 : Part 6 : 1986 Characteristics and methods of
measurements for sound system equipment:
Part 6 Headphones and head sets