IS 15540 : 2004 Recommended Practice for Eddy Current Testing of Installed Non-Ferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing using Dual Frequency Method

MTD 21
Reaffirmed 2014


This standard describes procedures to be followed during dualfrequency eddy current testing (using an internal bobbin typedifferential coil assembly) of non-ferromagnetic tubes that havebeen installed in a heat exchanger. The procedure recognizes theinadequacy of inspection of the installed tubes for defects andother forms of deterioration, specially those that occur under thesupport of baffle plates, by a single frequency eddy current testmethod. The document addresses the requirements of scheduledmaintenance inspection of heat exchangers, either to examine thecondition of the tubes after installation, or to establish thebaseline data for evaluating subsequent performance of the productafter exposure to various environmental conditions. The purpose isdetection and evaluation of particular types of degradation of tubeintegrity which could result in tube failure during service.