IS 15555 : 2004 /ISO 3310-3 : 1990 Test Sieves - Technical Requirements and Testing - Test Sieves of Electroformed Sheets

ICS 19.120 PGD 9
Reaffirmed 2023


This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 3310-3 : 1990 `Test sieves- Technical requirements and testing - Part 3 : Test sieves ofelectroformed sheets' issued by the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on therecommendations of the Abrasives Sectional Committee and approval of theMedical Instruments General and Production Engineering Division Council.

Cross Reference

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 565 : 1990 IS 2405 : Part 1 : 1980 Specification forindustrial sieves:
Part 1 Wire cloth sieves
IS 2405 : Part 2 : 1980 Specification forindustrial sieves:
Part 2 Perforated plates