IS 15590 : 2005 /ISO 6941 : 2003 Textile Fabrics - Burning Behaviour - Measurement of Flame Spread Properties of Vertically Oriented Specimens
ICS 13.220.40;59.080.30 | TXD 32 |
Reaffirmed 2018 |
National Foreword
This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 6941 : 2003 ?Textile fabrics - Burning behaviour - Measurement of flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimens? issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on therecommendations of the Chemical Methods of Test Sectionai Committee (TX 05) and approval of theTextile Division Council.
This standard specifies conditioning temperature of 20+2°C.The National Annex A specifies conditioning temperature as 27+2°C suitable for the tropical countries like India.
The other related Indian Standard for the burning behaviour of textile fabrics is as under:
IS 15589 : 2005 Textile fabrics - Burning behaviour - Determination of ease of ignition ofvertically oriented specimens
The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard with theabove deviation. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.Attention is particularly drawn to the following:
a) Wherever the words International Standard appear referring to this standard, they should be readas Indian Standard.
b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practiceis to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.
In this adopted standard reference appears to the following International Standard for which IndianStandard also exists. The corresponding Indian Standard which is to be substituted in its place, is listedbelow along with its degree of equivalence for the edition indicated. However, an International Standardcross-referred in this adopted ISO Standard, which has subsequently been revised, position in respectof latest edition of ISO Standard has been given:
International Standard | Corresponding Indian Standard |
ISO 4880 : 1997 | SP 45 : 1988 Handbook on glossary of textile terms