IS 15663 : Part 1 : 2006 Design and Installation of Natural Gas Pipelines - Code of Practice - Part 1 : Laying of Pipelines

ICS 75.200 CED 7
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

The standard ( Part 1) specifies the requirements andgives recommendations for the design, materials,construction and testing of pipelines made of steel andused in the transportation of natural gas and re-gasifiedliquid natural gas (RLNG). Specific requirements forlaying of pipelines in crossings (road, railway,watercourses, other pipelines, etc) are covered inIS 15663 (Part 2). The requirements for pre-commissioningand commissioning of pipelines are covered in IS 15663 (Part 3).

The provisions of the standard apply to pipelines onland including pipelines up to and including isolationvalves of compressor station, prcrcess plant, liquidnatural gas terminals, etc and within the boundaries ofsuch facilities like sectionalizing valve stations,intermediate pigging stations, etc; that form part of thepipeline system connecting gathering stations or processplants to dispatch stations. The provisions in thestandard do not include the requirements of operationand maintenance of such pipelines. The scope of thestandard is also illustrated in Fig. 1 in Annex A.

The standard is not applicable for pipelines constructedfrom materials other than steel and for pipelines thatform part of distribution systems.

2 References

The standards given below contain provisions whichthrough reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publications, the editionsindicated were valid. All standards are subject torevision and parties to agreements based on thisstandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent editions of the standardsindicated below:

Standard Title
IS 269 : 1989 Specification for ordinary portland
cement, 33 grade (fourth revision)
IS 383 : 1974 Specification for coarse and fine
aggregates from natural sources for
concrete (second revision)
IS 456 : 2000 Code of practice for plain and
reinforced concrete (fourth revision)
IS 1489 Specification for portland pozzolana
IS ( Part 1) : 1989 Flyash based (third revision)
IS ( Part 2) : 1989 Calcined clay based (third revision)
IS 1498 : 1970 Classification and identification of
soils for general engineering
purposes (first revision)
IS 1566 : 1982 Specification for hard drawn steel
wire fabric for concrete
reinforcement (second revision)
IS 1978 : 1982 Specification for line pipe (second
IS 8062 : 2006 Code of practice for cathodic
protection of buried pipelines/
structure for transportation of oil,
natural gas and liquids
IS 8112 : 1989 Specification for 43 grade ordinary
portland cement (first revision)
IS 15659 Specification for petroleum and
natural gas industries - External
coating for buried or submerged
pipelines used in pipeline
transportation of gas and liquid
IS (Part 1) : 2006 Ployolefin coatings (3-layer PE and
3-layer PP)
IS (Part 2) : 2006 Fusion bonded epoxy coatings
IS 15663 : 2006 Design and installation of natural gas
pipelines - Code of practice:
IS (Part 2) : 2006 Laying of pipelines in crossing
IS (Part 3) : 2006 Pre-commissioning and
commissioning of pipelines
API 1104 : 2005 Welding of pipelines and related
API RP 5LI : Recommended practice for railroad
2002 transportation of line pipe
API RP 5LW : Recommended practice for trans-
1996 portation of line pipe on barges and
marine vessels
API 6D : 2002 Specification for pipeline valves
ASME B 16.9 : Factory made wrought steel butt
2001 weldIing fittings
ASMEB 31.8: Gas transmission and distribution
2003 piping systems
ASME BPVC ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
IIC : 2004 Section II - Materials - Part C -
Specification for welding rods
electrodes and filler materials
V : 2004 Section V - Non-destructive