IS 15666 : Part 8 : 2006 /ISO 3977-8 : 2002 Gas Turbines - Procurement - Part 8 : Inspection, Testing, Installation and Commissioning

ICS 27.040 ETD 15
Reaffirmed 2021

National Foreword

This Indian Standard (Part 8) which is identical with ISO 3977-8 : 2002 ?.Gas turbines - Procurement - Part 8: Inspection, testing, installation and commissioning? issued by the International Organization Standardization (ISO) was adopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee and approval of the Electrotechnieal Division Council.

The text of the ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain ccmventions are, however, notidentical to those used in Indian Standards Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words ?International Standard? appear referring to this standard, they should read as ?Indian Standard?.

b) Comma ( , ) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a point ( . ) asthe decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standardsfor which Indian Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted intheir respective places are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
IEC 60034-4 (1985) IS 7306 : 1974 Method for
determining synchronous machine
quantities from tests
ISO 2314 : 1989 IS 15664 : 2006 Gas turbines -
Acceptance tests
ISO 3977-1 : 1997 IS 15666 (Part 1) : 2006 Gas
turbines - Procurement: Part 1
General introduction and definitions
ISO 3977-2 : 1997 IS 15666 (Part 2) : 2006 Gas
turbines - Procurement : Part 2
Standard reference conditions and ratings
ISO 3977-3 : 2004 IS 15666 (Part 3) : 2006 Gas
turbines - Procurement : Part 3
Design requirements
ISO 3977-4 : 2002 IS 15666 (Part 4) : 2006 Gas
turbines - Procurement: Part 4
Fuels and environment
ISO 11086 : 1996 IS 15665 : 2006 Gas turbines -
ISO 4406 : 1999 --
ISO 6190 : 1988 --
ISO 10442 --
ISO 11042-1 : 1996 --
ISO 13691 : 2001 --
ISP 137091 --
IEC 60034-1 (1983) --