IS 15783 : 2008 Road Vehicles - Brake Control Levers for Two and Three Wheeled Motor Vehicles - Specification

ICS 43.040.40;43.140 TED 4

Reaffirmed 2023


1.1 This standard specifies requirements of handoperatedlevers used for control of brake system of twoand three wheeled motor vehicles fitted with handlebar.

1.2 The control levers complying with the requirementsof this standard may be used as clutch control levers atthe option of the vehicle manufacturer provided theseare suitable to the application.

2 Reference

The following standard contains provision, whichthrough reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publication the editionindicated was valid. All standards are subject to revisionand parties to agreements based on this standard areencouraged to investigate the possibility of applyingthe most recent edition of the standard indicated below:

IS No.                 Title
IS 2500 : Part 1 : 2000/
ISO 2859-1 : 1999
Sampling procedure for inspection
by attributes: Part 1 Sampling schemes
indexed by acceptance quality limit
(AQL) for lot by lot inspection (third