IS 15802 : 2008 Automotive Vehicles - Windscreen Wiping System for 4 Wheelers other than M1 Category of Vehicles - Requirements

ICS 43.040.65 TED 11
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

This standard specifies requirements for frontwindscreen wiping system of all motor vehicles havingminimum four wheels and having windscreen for M2,M3, N 1, N2 and N3 category of vehicles.

2 Reference

The following standard contains provision whichthrough reference in this text, constitutes provisionof this standard. At the time of publication, the editionindicated was valid. This standard is subject to revisionand parties to agreements based on this standard isencouraged to investigate the possibility of applyingthe most recent edition of the standard indicatedbelow:

IS No.                  Title
IS 14272 Automotive vehicles - Types -
Part 1 :1995 Terminology : Part 1 Three and four