IS 15824 : 2008 Textiles - Requirements for Marking Textile Materials Made of Silk - Specification

ICS 59.060.10'61.020 TXD 28

Reaffirmed 2023


1.1 This standard specifies marking and labelling requirements including care labelling of pure, blended and part silk materials containing not less than 20 percent silk fibres.

1.2 It also lays down the methods for determining the contents of silk and other fibres in the silk products.

2 References

The following standards contain provisions whichthrough reference in this text constitute provisionsof this standard. At the time of publications, theeditions indicated were valid. All standards aresubject to revision and parties to agreements basedon this standard are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions ofthe standards indicated below.

     IS No.      Title
IS 667 : 1981 Methods for identification of
textile fibres (first revision)
IS 1418 : 1999 Assaying of gold in gold bulllon,
gold alloys and gold jewellery/
artefacts - Cupellation (Fire
assay) method (second revision)
IS 1745 : 1978 Specification for petroleum
hydrocarbon solvent (second
IS 14452 : 1997 Textiles - Care labelling code
using symbols