IS 15825 : Part 5 : 2008 Dupion Raw Silk - Grading and Methods of Test - Part 5 : Determination of Average Size and Size Uniformity Range

ICS 59.060.10 TXD 28

Reaffirmed 2023


This standard (Part 5) prescribes a method fordetermination of average size (linear density), degreeof size variation within the test pieces of definitelength of dupion silk expressed in tex or denier.

2 References

The standards given below contain provisions whichthrough reference in this text, constitute provisionsof this standard. At the time of publication, theeditions indicated were valid. All standards aresubject to revision and parties to agreements basedon this standard are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions ofstandards indicated below:

      IS No.       Title
15825 Dupion raw silk - Grading and
methods of test
IS Part 1 : 2008 Grading
IS Part 3 : 2008 Determination of special defects
SP 45 : 2006 Handbook on glossary of textile
terms (first revision)