IS 15935 : 2021 Composite Cylinders for On-Board Storage of Compressed Natural Gas ( CNG ) as a Fuel for Automotive Vehicle - Specification

ICS 23.020;43.060.40                         MED 16

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This standard specifies minimum requirements for serially produced light-weight, refillable gas cylinder intended for the on-board storage of high pressure compressed natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles to which the cylinders are to be fixed. The service conditions do not cover external loadings which may arise from vehicle collisions, etc. This standard covers metal and non-metal lined composite cylinders of the following types:

a) Type 2 Metal lined hoop wrapped composite cylinders;

b) Type 3 Metal lined full wrapped composite cylinders; and

c) Type 4 Non-metal lined full wrapped composite cylinders.


The following standards contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below:

101 (Part 3/Sec 2) : 1989 Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related products: Part 3 Tests on paint film formation, Section 2 Film thickness (third revision)

1500 (Part 1) : 2013 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test: Part 1 Test method (fourth revision)

1586 (Part 1) : 2018 Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test: Part 1 Test method (fifth revision)

1608 (Part 1) : 2018 Metallic materials - Tensile testing: Part 1 Method of test at ambient temperature (fourth revision)

1757 (Part 1) : 2014 Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum: Part 1 Test method (fourth revision)

3224 : 2002 Valve fittings for compressed gas cylinders exceeding liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders - Specification (third revision)

5903 : 2014 Recommendation for safety devices for gas cylinders (first revision)

13360(Part 5/Sec 1) : 2018 Plastics - Methods of testing: Part 5 Mechanical properties, Section 1 Determination of tensile properties - General principles (first revision)

13360 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2017 Plastics - Methods of testing: Part 5 Mechanical properties, Section 2 Determination of tensile properties test condition for moulding and extrusion plastics (first revision)

13360 (Part 6/Sec 1) : 2018 Plastics - Methods of testing:Part 6 Thermal properties, Section 1 Determination of vicat softening temperature of thermoplastic materials (second revision)

13411 : 1992 Glass reinforced polyester dough moulding compounds - Specification