IS 16107 : Part 2 : Sec 2 : 2017 Luminaires Performance Part 2 Particular Requirements Section 2 LED Street Lighting Luminaire

ICS 29.140.99

ETD 23

1. Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 2/Section 2) specifies the performance requirements for LED street lighting luminaire, together with the test methods and conditions, required to show compliance with this standard suitable for use on dc supplies up to 250 V dc or on ac supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz. It applies to LED luminaires for street lighting, where claims of operational performance are made.

The following types of LED street lighting luminaires are distinguished:

a) Type A - Luminaire using LED modules where compliance with IS16103 (Part 2) has not been proven.

b) Type B - Luminaire using LED modules where compliance with IS16103 (Part 2) has been proven.

c) Type C - Luminaire using a LED lamp and covered in IS 16107 (Part 1)

NOTE - The definition of the LED module is given in IS 16103 (Part 1 and Part 2) and IS 16101.

This standard does not cover LED street light luminaires that intentionally produce coloured light; neither does it cover modules based on OLEDs (organic LEDs).

The performance requirements are additional to the requirements given in IS 16107 (Part 1).

The luminaire covered under the scope of this standard shall comply with the safety requirements given in IS 10322 (Part 5/Section 3).

Life time of LED luminaires is in most cases much longer than the practical test times. Consequently, verification of manufacturer’s life time claims cannot be made in a sufficiently confident way. For that reason, the acceptance or rejection of a manufacturer’s life time claim, past 25 percent of rated life (with a maximum of 6 000 h), is out of the scope of this standard.

Instead of life time validation, this standard has opted for lumen maintenance categories at a defined finite test time. Therefore, the category number does not imply a prediction of achievable life time. The categories are lumen-depreciation character categories showing behaviour in agreement with manufacturer’s information which is provided before the test is started.

In order to validate a life time claim, an extrapolation of test data is needed. A general method of projecting measurement data beyond limited test time is under consideration.

For explanation of life time metrics see Annex C of IS16103 (Part 2).

The acceptance or rejection criterion of the life time test as defined in this standard is different from the life time metrics claimed by manufacturers.

1.2 It is expected that LED-street light luminaire which comply with this standard will be able to start and operate at voltages between 90 percent and 110 percent of rated supply voltage and at an ambient air temperature within the declared range of the manufacturer.


2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary adjuncts to this standard:

1885 Electrotechnical vocabulary:

(Part 16/Sec 1) : 1968 Part 16 Lighting, Section 1 General aspects

(Part 16/Sec 2) : 1968 Lighting, Section 2 General illumination, lighting fittings and lighting for traffic and signalling

(Part 16/Sec 3) : 1967 Lighting, Section 3 Lamps and auxiliary apparatus

10322 Luminaires:

(Part 1) : 2014 General requirements and tests

(Part 5/Sec 3) : 2012 Particular requirements, Section 3 Luminaire for road and street lighting

14700 (Part 3/Sec 2) : 2008 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Part 3 Limits, Section 2 Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current less than or equal to 16 A per phase)

16101 : 2012 General Lighting - LEDs and LED modules - Terms and definitions

16103 LED modules for general lighting:

(Part 1) : 2012 Safety requirements

(Part 2) : 2012 Performance requirements

16104 : 2012 d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements

16105 : 2012 Method of measurement of lumen maintenance of solid state light (LED) sources

16106 : 2012 Method of electrical and photometric measurements of solid-state lighting (LED) products

16107 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2012 Luminaire performance: Part 2 Particular requirements, Section 1 LED luminaire

IS/IEC 60529 : 2001 Degree of protection provide by enclosure (IP code)

SP 72 : 2010 National Lighting Code