IS 16301 : 2017 Knives - Specification

ICS 97.040.60                          MED 33

(Superseding IS 921 : 1965, IS 922 : 1965, IS 923 : 1965, IS 924 : 1965, IS 925 : 1965, IS 3545 : 1982, IS 3546 : 1966 and IS 3721 : 1966)

Reaffirmed 2022

1. Scope

This standard prescribes the requirements of shape, dimension, workmanship and tests for table knives, dessert knives, fruit knives, fish knives, steak knives, bread and butter knives, vegetable knives, cheese knives, pocket knives, bread knives, carving knives, meat chopper, cook’s knives, and butcher knives.


The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below:

292 : 1983 Specification for leaded brass ingots and castings (second revision)

422 : 1981 Specification for brass sheet and strip for the manufacture of utensils (second revision)

617 : 1994 Aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings for general engineering purposes (third revision)

620 : 1985 Specification for wooden tool handles - General requirements (fourth revision)

1067 : 1981 Electroplated coatings of silver for decorative and protective purposes (second revision)

1501 : 2002 Method for Vickers hardness test for metallic materials (third revision)

1570 Schedules for wrought steels:

Part 2:1979 Carbon steels (unalloyed steels) (first revision)

Part 6:1996 Carbon and alloy tool steels (first revision)

1586 : 2000 Method for Rockwell hardness test for metallic material (Scales A-B-CD- E-F-G-H-K 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T) (third revision)

2283 : 2000 Nickel silver sheet, strip specification (second revision)

4170 : 1967 Brass rods for general engineering purposes

6911 : 1992 Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip (first revision)

14635 : 1999 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) materials for moulding and extrusion - Specification

15997 : 2012 Low nickel austenitic stainless steel sheet and strip for utensils and kitchen appliances - Specification