IS 16336 : Part 1 : 2015 Common Information Model (CIM) for Information Exchange in the Context of Electrical Utilities Part 1 Companion Specification

ICS 33.200                          LITD 10

Reaffirmed 2023

1. Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 1) specifies the interfaces that exist within a power utility which is into Transmission, Distribution or Generation, and also to a System Operator, Market Operator which directly interact with such utilities. The recommendations in this standard is meant for achieving standardized interfaces for information exchange between two or more software components as well as for information exchange between two or more software applications. Communication between software components is more relevant in the case of various sub components within the same Energy Management Systems as well as Generation Management Systems need to exchange information between each other. Communication between software applications is more relevant in case of different applications for Distribution Management or two Energy Management/Generation Management Systems needs to exchange information. This companion standard and recommended other standards does not address how information is managed internally in a software application or component, rather it specifies only how information is represented and exchanged in the interface of the application.

1.2 The scope of this series of standards limits to the following:

a) Identifying various information exchange use cases which are very specific to the country.

b) Provide a guideline for implementation of systems based on international practices with respect to the identified use cases.

c) Providing a number of standard model exchange profiles for specific information exchange scenario’s which demands model exchange between two utilities or utility and system operator or utility and market operator.

d) Provide extensions to the models specified in adopted IEC standards to cater country specific requirements which are not covered in the associated international standards.

1.3 This standard covers the aspects given in 1.2 (a and b), while the 1.2(c) is covered by IS 16336 (Part 2) and aspect given in 1.2(d) is covered in IS 16336 (Part 3).

2. Referenced

The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which, through reference in this text constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed in Annex A.