IS 16654:2017 Geosynthetics - Polypropylene Multifilament Woven Geobags for Coastal and Waterways Protection - Specification

ICS 59.080.70                          TXD 30

1. Scope

1.1 This standard specifies requirements for geobags made from polypropylene (PP) multifilament woven geotextiles, used for coastal and waterways protection applications such as revetments, river training, construction of groynes and artificial reefs, etc, in order to minimize soil erosion and control floods.


1 The survivability/durability of geobags depends upon water pressure, soil condition, type of contents of geobags that is sand or gravels, water pH and temperature, etc.

2 Woven slit film geotextiles, that is, geotextiles made from yarns of a flat, tape-like character, shall not be used for the manufacture of geobags for permanent erosion control applications.

1.2 This standard does not apply to other types of geosynthetic erosion control materials such as turf reinforcement mats.

2. Referenced

The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provision of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated in Annex A.