IS 16688 : 2017 Natural Rubber Pale Latex Crepe — Specification

ICS 83.040.10

PCD 13

1. Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes requirements for pale latex crepe (PLC) rubber, processed out of natural rubber latex.


The following Indian Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute the provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreement based on the standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated belowIS No. Title

IS 3660 (Part1) : Methods of test for Natural Rubber: Determination of dirt ( NR-1) (third revision)

(Part 2) : 1985 Determination of volatile matter (NR:2) (second revision)

(Part 10) : 2000 Part 10 Determination of Nitrogen content (NR 11) (first revision)

(Part 11) : 1989 Determination of Plasticity (NR:12) (first revision)

(Part12) : 2017/ ISO 2930 : 2009 Determination of plasticity retention. index (PRI) (NR 13) (first revision)

(Part 13) : 1997 Part 13 determination of colour (NR 14) (first revision)

3708 ( Part 9) : 2005/ISO 247 : 1990 Methods of test for natural rubber latex Part 9 Determination of total ash

IS 5599 : 1999 Rubber, raw, natural and synthetic - Methods of sampling and sample preparation (first revision):