IS 16721 : Part 1 : 2018 Method of Test for Coal Part 1 Determination of Total Mercury Content by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

ICS 73.040

PCD 07

Reaffirmed 2023


This standard prescribes the method for determination of total mercury content of coal by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).


The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on the subject are encouraged to investigate the possibilities of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below:

436 (Part 1/Sec 1) : Methods for sampling of coal and

1964 coke: Part 1 Sampling of coal, Section 1 Manual sampling (revised)

1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water - Specification (third revision)

1350 (Part 1) : 1984 Methods of test for coal and coke: Part 1 Proximate analysis (second revision)