IS 17241 : 2019 Man Riding Car by Rope Haulage System for Transportation of Persons in Mines

ICS 73.100.40

MED 08

New Standard from Last Update.


This standard covers the design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and testing of man riding car by rope haulage system used for transportation of persons in mines.

1.1 Design, Construction and Installation of Man Riding Haulage Engine

Every part of the system shall be of good construction, suitable material, of adequate strength and free from visible defect and shall be properly maintained. Every man riding car by rope haulage system and each of the accessories thereof shall so far as is practicable be constructed of non-inflammable material and any inflammable material, if used, shall be shrouded with a substantial metallic covering.

1.1.1 Design of Haulage Engine

a) The haulage engine shall be located in properly built engine house.

b) The haulage engine shall be firmly connected to a rigid foundation and shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that with the power provided, the raising and lowering of persons can be carried out with ease, reliability and safety.

c) Design of the drum shall be such that its flanges are sufficient to prevent the rope from slipping or coiling unevenly.

d) Every haulage engine shall be provided with adequate guards or fencing.

e) The design of the direct haulage engine shall be such that frame and all the components can be easily dismantled without much difficulty for transportation and maintenance in the mine.

f) There shall be two exits provided at engine driver room.

g) The material specification of haulage drum and gear box are given at Annex A.

1.2 Mechanical Details

As per statutory and other specific requirements, the direct rope haulage for transporting persons in mines shall conform to the following requirements:

a) Drum diameter in mm minimum 80 times of rope diameter.

b) Drum width in mm minimum 60 times the rope diameter.

c) Flanges diameter in mm minimum 100 times the rope diameter.

d) Rope capacity on drum up to 2 000 m.

1.3 Maximum Speed

The normal working speed of man riding car shall be fixed by manager in consultation with engineer and original equipment manufacturer and shall not exceed 8.0 km/h(eight kilometer per hour). The speed adjustment arrangement shall be made available at haulage engine. The variation of the speed of man riding car during acceleration or deceleration shall not be such as to give rise to any signs of discomfort to the persons.

1.4 Brakes

a) There shall be provided with at least two independent brakes.

b) A service brake shall be fitted to haulage engine drum and have a braking capacity of 1.5 (one and half) times the static torque.

c) An emergency brake system independent of service brake system shall be fitted and the braking torque 3.0 (three) times the torque resulting from the maximum rope pull.

d) A separate emergency hydraulic shut-off valve shall be provided near to operator, to apply brakes (by draining the hydraulic oil in the circuit) in case of failure of pilot control or other systems, in emergency.

e) The material specifications of brakes are given at Annex B.

1.5 Safety Features in Haulage Engine

a) Every engine shall be equipped with a reliable distance indicator showing to the engine driver the position of the man riding car throughout the run, and an automatic device that will ring a bell in the engine room when the car is approaching boarding or alighting station, at a distance of not less than two revolutions of the drum.

b) An automatically recording speed indicator, over travel limit switch and over speed trip switch shall be provided in the haulage engine. The over speed trip switch shall be set at 10 percent more than normal speed of rope.

c) A dead man’s handle shall be provided in order to stop the haulage engine in the event of collapse or incapability of the operator.

d) Slack rope protection shall be provided.

e) Slow banking device shall be provided so that man riding cars will travel at less than 1.5 m/sec, when it is being hauled at stations.

f) Push button switch arrangement shall be provided to switch off the haulage engine in case of emergency.

1.6 Lowering of Men

Lowering of men with controlled speed mechanism by means of regenerative braking or variable frequency drive system or any other equivalent system shall be provided.


The standards at Annex A contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provision of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All the standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards.