IS 17242 : 2019 Man Riding Chair Lift System for Transportation of Persons in Mines

ICS 73.100.40

MED 08

New Standard from Last Update.


This standard covers the design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and testing of the chair lift system for the transportation of persons in mines.

1.1 Design, Construction and Safety Provisions of the Man Riding Chair Lift System

Every part of the system shall be of good construction, suitable material, of adequate strength and free from visible defect and shall be properly maintained. Every man riding chairlift system and each of the accessories thereof shall so far as is practicable be constructed of non-inflammable material and any inflammable material, if used, shall be shrouded with a suitable noninflammable covering.

No part of the equipment/ machine (for example, fan hubs, fan blades) shall be made of light metals or its alloys which causes incendive sparking due to impact or friction.

1.2 Drive Station

1.2.1 The drive station shall be firmly connected to a rigid foundation and so designed, constructed and maintained that with the power provided. The transportation of persons can be carried out with ease, regularity and safety.

1.2.2 The drive station consisting of a drive unit, electrical systems, power pack and wire rope etc. shall not be a source of danger to the passengers and chair lift operator. The passenger entrance shall not cross the path of the travel without ensuring proper safety, to avoid any possible accident to the passengers.

1.2.3 A suitable provision shall be made at prime mover or its controls to prevent reverse motion of prime mover.

1.2.4 Drive station shall be fitted with speed indicator at a suitable location for easy monitoring by operator.

1.2.5 Drive station shall be provided with a suitable over speed tripping device.

1.2.6 The chair lift operator shall be located such that he will have clear view of the driving machinery and instrumentation. The controls and communicating devices will be within his reach.

1.2.7 Adequate and suitable type fire extinguishers shall be kept available at the drive station.

1.2.8 A suitable fencing and gate with interlock to stop the system shall be provided at drive station to avoid entry of unauthorized persons.

1.3 Power Pack

1.3.1 The Hydraulic power pack shall be consisting of suitable variable displacement hydraulic pump with seals compatible with the fire resistant hydraulic fluid and directly driven by adequately rated electric motor with cooling system.

The following safety features shall be provided in the hydraulic power pack:

a) Pressure relief valves, to relieve pressure beyond rated working pressure;

b) Tripping at low oil level;

c) Tripping on low oil pressure;

d) Tripping if working oil temperature rises beyond 85°C;

e) Tripping if oil filter is choked; and

f) Tripping on low booster pressure.

1.3.2 The design of power pack shall be such that the speed of the rope can be adjustable from “zero to 3.0 (three) meter/second maximum”.

1.3.3 A suitable hydraulic device with locking arrangement shall be provided to regulate the speed of the rope and shall be capable of maintaining the constant speed of the system.

1.3.4 A suitable hydraulic device shall be provided, such that the variation of the speed of rope during acceleration or deceleration (start/stop) shall not give any sign of discomfort to the passengers.

1.3.5 An efficient cooling system shall be provided to maintain the hydraulic oil temperature within limits.

1.4 Drive Unit and Sheave

1.4.1 The drive unit shall be made of steel of adequate strength, consisting of drive sheave driven by high torque hydraulic motor and provided with spring applied hydraulically released (SAHR) brake for drive unit shall be mounted on robust and rigid base frame made of steel section of adequate strength and suitably fenced.

1.4.2 The diameter of driving sheave shall be not less than 80 times the diameter of wire rope. Drive sheave shall be provided with liner made of bronze and rubber/polyurethane material, having adequate coefficient of friction. The diameter of return sheave shall not be less than the distance between two ropes. Return sheave shall be provided with liner made of rubber/ polyurethane material.

1.4.3 The sheave, on which carrying rope is supported, shall be made of carbon steel casting and conforming to IS 1030 or its revised version. They shall be mounted on suitable bearings with proper locking.

1.4.4 The speed of rope shall be maintained constant irrespective of any load conditions. The variation of speed in the most unfavourable conditions shall not exceed ±5 percent.

1.4.5 Power to drive sheave shall be stopped automatically when any brake is applied or any tripping device is activated.

1.4.6 The contact angle of the rope on the drive sheave shall be designed such that even in most unfavourable combination of circumstances the required power is transmitted to the rope.

1.4.7 The material specification of sheave are given at Annex A.


The standards at Annex A contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provision of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All the standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards.