IS 17293 : 2020 Electric Cables for Photovoltaic Systems for Rated Voltage 1 500 V d.c.

IS 17293 : 2020 Electric Cables for Photovoltaic Systems for Rated Voltage 1 500 V d.c.

ICS 29.060.20, 27.160ETD 09

1 Scope

This standard covers single core cables for use inphotovoltaic (PV) systems for installation at the directcurrent side (d.c.). These are suitable for outdoorlong-term installations directly exposed to solarradiations. Since these cables are directly exposedto direct Sun radiations, air humidity etc, stringentrequirements are set for these cables. Theserequirements ensure that the cables are weather andUV resistant. These cables are designed to operate ata normal continuous conductor temperature of 90°C.The permissible period of use at a maximum conductortemperature of 120°C is limited to 20 000 h..