IS 17397 : Part 1 : 2022 Plastics - Thermoplastic Polyurethanes for Moulding and Extrusion Part 1 Designation System and Specifications

ICS 83.080.20

PCD 12

Revised Standard from Last Update.


1.1 This Standard prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and test for thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers and also establishes a system for designating various thermoplastic polyurethanes.

1.2 The standard is applicable to all thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers. This standard applies to materials ready for normal use in the form of powder, granules or pellets, unmodified or modified by colourants, fillers or other additives, etc.

1.3 The Polyurethane plastic are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on appropriate levels of the designatory properties like hardness and tensile modulus of elasticity and on information about the alternating hard and soft segments in the main chain, the intended application and/or method of processing, important properties, additives, colour, fillers, and reinforcing materials.

1.4 In this Standard, it is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation give necessarily the same performance. This standard does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing conditions which might be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing. If such additional properties are required, they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in IS 17397 (Part 2), if suitable.

1.5 In order to specify a thermoplastic elastomer for a particular application or reproducible processing, additional requirements are intended to be given in data block 6.


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IS 13360 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2017/ ISO 527-2 : 2012 Plastics - Methods of testing: Part 5 Mechanical properties, Section 2 Determination of tensile properties - Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics (first revision)

IS 13360 (Part 5/Sec 3) : 2018 / ISO 527-3 : 1995 Plastics - Methods of testing: Part 5 Mechanical properties, Section 3 Determination of tensile properties - Test conditions for films and sheets (first revision)

IS 13360 (Part 5/Sec 11): 2013 / ISO 868: 2003 Plastics - Methods of testing: Part 5 Mechanical properties, Section Determination of indentation hardness by means of durometer (shore hardness) (first revision)

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IS 17138 : 2019/ ISO 18064:2014 Thermoplastic elastomers - Nomenclature and abbreviated terms

IS 17397 (Part 2) : 2020/ ISO 16365-2 : 2020 Plastics - Thermoplastic polyurethanes for moulding and extrusion: Part 2 Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

ISO 527-5 : 2021 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties: Part 5 Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites

ISO 1043-4 : 2021 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms: Part 4 Flame retardants