IS 17899 T : 2024 Assessment of Biodegradability of Plastics in Varied Conditions (Tentative Indian Standard)

ICS 83.080.01

PCD 12


1.1 This tentative Indian Standard specifies theprocedures and assessment of biodegradability ofplastics under varied conditions. This standardaddresses the following aspects:

a) Biodegradation in varied conditions, asspecified;

b) Analysis of effects of resulting biomass onterrestrial plant growth/organism; and

c) Negative effects of the quality of theresulting biomass including the presence ofhigh levels of regulated heavy metals.

1.2 The standard is applicable for assessing thebiodegradability of plastics under aerobic,anaerobic conditions.

1.3 The standard is not applicable for assessingthe biodegradability of plastics under marineenvironment.

1.4 The assessment of biodegradability of plastic, ifdone through composting conditions only, videIS/ISO 14855-1 and IS/ISO 14855-2, the plastic shallbe certified as compostable plastic, and not asbiodegradable plastic as defined under PWM Rules,2016, as amended.

1.5 This standard excludes compostable plastics asper IS/ISO 17088, as per PWM Rules, 2016, asamended.


The standards listed in Annex A contain provisionswhich, through reference in this text, constituteprovisions of this standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this standard are encouragedto investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecent editions of these standards.


IS No./Other Standard                                             Title

IS 2828 : 2019/ISO 472 : 2013 Plastics - Vocabulary (second revision)

IS 3025 (Part 65):2022/ISO 17294-2:2016 Methods of sampling andtest (physical andchemical) for water andwastewater: Part 65 Application of inductivelycoupled plasma massspectrometry (ICP-MS) -Determination of selectedelements includinguranium isotopes (firstrevision)

IS/ISO 14851 : 2019 Determination of theultimate aerobicbiodegradability of plasticmaterials in an aqueousmedium - Method bymeasuring the oxygendemand in a closedrespirometer (firstrevision)

IS/ISO 14852 : 2021 Determination of theultimate aerobicbiodegradability of plasticmaterials in an aqueousmedium - Method byanalysis of evolved carbondioxide (first revision)

IS/ISO 14853 : 2016 Plastics - Determinationof the ultimate anaerobicbiodegradation of plasticmaterials in an aqueoussystem - Method bymeasurement of biogasproduction (first revision)

IS/ISO 14855-1 : 2012 Determination of theultimate aerobicbiodegradability of plasticmaterials under controlledcomposting conditions -Method by analysis ofevolved carbon dioxide:Part 1 General method(first revision)

IS/ISO 14855-2 : 2018 Determination of theultimate aerobicbiodegradability of plasticmaterials under controlledcomposting conditions -Method by analysis ofevolved carbon dioxide:Part 2 Gravimetricmeasurement of carbondioxide evolved in alaboratory-scale test (firstrevision)

IS 15109 (Part 2) :2013/ISO 11269-2 :2012Soil quality -Determination of theeffects of pollutants onsoil flora: Part 2 Effects ofcontaminated soil on theemergence and earlygrowth of higher plants(first revision)

IS/ISO 15985 : 2014 Plastics - Determinationof the ultimate anaerobicbiodegradation underhigh-solids anaerobicdigestionconditions -Method by analysis ofreleased biogas (firstrevision)

IS/ISO 17088 : 2021 Compostable plastics -Specification (secondrevision)

IS/ISO 17556 : 2019 Plastics - Determinationof the ultimate aerobicbiodegradability of plasticmaterials in soil bymeasuring the oxygendemand in a respirometeror the amount of carbondioxide evolved (secondrevision)

ISO 11268-1 Soil quality - Effects ofpollutants on earthworms- Part 1 : Determinationof acute toxicity to Eiseniafetida/Eisenia andrei

ISO 11268-2 Soil quality - Effects ofpollutants on earthworms- Part 2 : Determinationof effects on reproductionof Eisenia fetida/Eiseniaandrei

ISO 24187 Principles for the analysisof microplastics present inthe environment

OECD 208 : 2016 Terrestrial plant test:Seedling emergence andseedling growth test