IS 18001 : 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System - Requirements with Guidance for Use

ICS 13.100 CHD 8
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

This standard prescribes requirements for anoccupational health and safety (OH&S) managementsystem, to enable an organization to formulate a policyand objectives, taking into account legislativerequirements and information about significant hazardsand risks, which the organization can control and overwhich it can be expected to have an influence, to protectits employees and others, whose health and safety maybe affected by the activities of the organization. It doesnot itself state specific safety performance criteria. Thisstandard is applicable to any organization that wishesto:

a) Implement, maintain and continually improvean OH&S management system;

b) Assure itself of its conformance with its statedOH&S policy;

c) Demonstrate such conformance to others;

d) Seek certification/registration of its OH&Smanagement systems by an externalorganization; and

e) Make a self-determination and selfdeclarationof conformance with this standard.

All the requirements in this standard are intended tobe incorporated into any OH&S management system.The extent of application will depend on such tktorsas the OH&S policy of the organization, the nature ofits activities and the conditions in which it operates.This Indian Standard also provides informativeguidance on the use of the requirements in Annex A.


1 For ease of use, the sub-clauses nf this specification and AnnexA have related numbers; thus, for example, 4.3.3 and A-3.3 bothdeal with Legal other requirements�.

2 The guidance has been provided 10 ensure thiit managerswho have already invested in Icarning to operate within theframework of either Quality Management Systems orEnvironmental Management Systems standards can readilyunderstand the requirements of this stundard and there byimprove OH&S management in their organization.

2 References

The standards listed below contain provisions, whichthrough reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publication, the editionsindicated were valid. All standards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on thisstandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent editions of the standardsindicated below:

        IS No.              Title
IS 3786 : 1983 Method of computation of frequency
and severity rates for industrial injuries
and classification of industrial
accidents (first revision)
IS/ISO 14001:
Environmental management systems
- Requirements with guidance for
IS 14489 : 1998 Code of practice on occupational
safety and health audit