IS 18099 : 2022 Sodium Hypochlorite - Code of Safety

ICS 13.300, 71.060.50

CHD 07

New Standard from Last Update.


1.1 This standard describes the properties of sodium hypochlorite and nature of hazards associated with it. The standard prescribes safety measures for controlling hazards and essential information on symptoms of poisoning, first-aid, medical treatment, storage, handling, labelling and employee safety.

1.2 The standard does not, however cover the design of buildings, chemical engineering plants, method and ingredients used in the manufacture, equipment for waste disposal and operation control.


The Indian Standards listed below contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revisions, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged toinvestigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards:

IS 4155 : 1966 Glossary of terms relating to chemical and radiation hazards and hazardous chemicals

IS 8519 : 1977 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for body protection

IS 8520 : 1977 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for eye, face and ear protection

IS 8807 : 1978 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for protection of arms and hands

IS 10667 : 1983 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for protection of foot and leg