IS 18289 : 2023 Post-earthquake Safety Assessment of Buildings - Guidelines

ICS 91.120.25

CED 39

New Standard from Last Update.


1.1 The provisions of this standard are applicable to ascertain whether or not a building affected during an earthquake can be occupied immediately after the earthquake.

1.2 This standard provides guidance only for the two common building typologies, namely:

a)Unreinforcedmasonry load-bearing buildings; and

b)RC moment frame buildings withunreinforced masonry infill walls.

1.3 Provisions of this standard shall be applicable to buildings hosting the following:

a)Residential buildings;

b)Educational namelyschools, colleges, institutes, and university buildings;

c)Hospitals and healthcare facilities;

d)Police headquarters buildings and policestations;

e)Fire stations and fire brigade facilities;

f)Food and civil supplies facilities;

g)Transportation facilities;

h)Power generation and distribution facilities;

j)Communication facilities;

k)Disaster management facilities;

m)Business and mercantile buildings; and

n)Governance facilities.

The competent authorities may identify additional facilities that need to be examined after the earthquake.

1.4 The provisions of this standard seek filling of forms based on visual inspection of the building, and do not require any calculations to be performed using geometric dimensions of buildings or current properties of materials used in the construction of the building.

1.5 The provisions of this standard exclude the loss estimation, and correlation between the damage and loss. However, the standard provides clear recommendation as to which level of technical assessment is needed if the building is not green tagged (see 5.3 for colour coded tagging of buildings).

1.6 The provisions of the standard may be suitably used to evaluate/assess the buildings damaged by any other disaster by the agencies/authorities concerned.


The standard given below contains provisions, which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of these standards:

IS 13935 : 2009 Seismic evaluation, repair and strengthening of masonry buildings - Guidelines (first revision)

IS 15988 : 2013 Seismic evaluation and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete buildings - Guidelines