IS 18304 : 2023/ISO 20136 : 2020 Leather - Determination of Degradability by Micro-Organisms

ICS 59.140.30

CHD 17

New Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard, which is identical ISO 20136 : 2020 'Leather - Determination of degradability by micro-organisms' issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Leather, Tanning Materials and Allied Products Sectional Committee and approval of the Chemical Division Council.

Through the indirect measurement of CO2 produced by the breakdown of collagen, this document provides a test method to assess the degree and pace of aerobic biodegradation of hides and skins of various animal origins, whether they have been tanned or not.

An inoculum (activated sludge from tannery effluent) is applied to the test material in an aqueous media. Urban wastewater can be utilized as the inoculum if a tannery is not nearby.