IS 18311 : 2023 Smart Community Infrastructures - Smart Transportation for Rapid Transit in and Between Large City Zones and their Surrounding Areas - Guidelines

ICS 13.020.20

CED 59

New Standard from Last Update.


1.1 This standard specifies a procedure to organize smart transportation that enables oneday trips by citizens between cities and in a large city zone, including its surrounding areas, and conveys a large number of people at a high frequency in a short time over distances of up to 1 000 km.

1.2 Smart transportation aims to promote political and economic work and stimulate business activity by providing citizens with a manner of travel to complete a return trip from their home or place of work to destinations outside their cities on the same day. However, this standard does not designate a procedure for constructing smart transportation facilities.

NOTE - ‘One-day trip’ means travel from an origin to a destination and back to the origin on the same day. The purpose of such travel is out of the scope of this standard.


The standards given below contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of these standards:

IS 17451 : 2020 Smart community infrastructures - Best practices for transportation - Guidelines

IS 17457 : 2020 Sustainable development of habitats - Vocabulary