IS 1944 : Part 5 : 1981 Code of practice for lighting of public thoroughfare: Part 5 Lighting for grade separated junctions, bridges and elevated roads (Group D)

UDC 628.971.6 : 625.739 + 624.21 : 006.76 ETD 23
Reaffirmed 2018

1. Scope

1.1 This part ofthe code examines special problems associated with the lighting of grade separated junctions, bridges and elevated roads (Group D). It deals with technical requirements and aesthetic considerations that shaH be given when designing lighting installations for these situations and provides guidelines in regard to choice between conventional lighting arrangement and high mast .lighting for grade separated junctions. It deals with fuction, appearance and des1gn requirements of the lighting installation.

1.2 It is not envisaged that all grade separated junctions will require lighting either in full or in part. There . are two main categories of junctions where lighting will be considered nece8llary:

a) Where some or all roads concerned are lit; and

b) Where the junction is so complicated that lighting is an essential safety feature.

1.3 This part of the code deals with electric lighting and does not include gas or other types of lighting.