IS 1991 : Part 8 : 1987 Safety requirements for the use, care and protection of abrasive grinding wheels:Part 8 Special speeds

UDC 621.922.025 : 614.8 PGD 9
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

This standard (Part 8) covers the maximum safe operating speeds.This standard also defines the responsibility of the wheelmanufacturers, machine builders (including one who converts,changes or otherwise alters a grinding or cutting off machine fromthe design or purpose originally supplied by the builder), and theusers of the wheels and machines. It may be noted that these areasof responsibility apply to those wheels and machines operated atspecial speeds, that is, those speeds which are specified in thispart of the standard.

The grinding or cutting-off operations performed with bondedabrasive wheels on many different types of machines are extremelyimportant factors in industrial productivity. It is essential thatwheels be operated and that machines be designed in accordance withthe sections of this standard and that the users of wheels andmachines observe the safety measures as applicable to them. Thecooperation of all the parties should materially aid in promotingthe safe use, care and protection of abrasive wheels.