IS 228 : Part 20 : 2021/ISO 15350 : 2000 Methods of chemical analysis of Steel Part 20 Determination of Total Carbon and Sulfur Content - Infrared Absorption Method After Combustion in an Induction Furnace ( Routine Method )

ICS 77.080.01

MTD 34

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (Part 20) (Third Revision) which is identical with ISO 15350 : 2000 ‘Steel and iron - Determination of total carbon and sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method)’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Metals Sectional Committee and approval of the Metallurgical Engineering Division Council.

IS 228, which was issued as a tentative standard in 1952, and revised in 1959, covered the chemical analysis of pig iron, cast iron and plain carbon and low alloy steels. For convenience, it was decided to publish a comprehensive series on chemical analysis of steel including high alloy steel was published in various parts as

IS 228 (part 1 to 24) covering separate methods of analysis for each constituent in steels. The third revision of this standard has been undertaken to align it with the latest version of ISO 15350 : 2000.