IS 2327 : 1993/ISO 14 : 1982 Straight sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal centering - Dimensions, tolerances and verification

UDC 621.824.4 PGD 33
Reaffirmed 2014

National Foreword

This Indian Standard (First Revision) which is identical withISO 14 : 1982 "Straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts withinternal centering - Dimensions, tolerances and verification,issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendationof the Transmission Devices Sectional Committee (LM 10) andapproval of the Light Mechanical Engineering Division Council.

Splined shafts are generally used:

a) for coupling shafts when relatively heavy torques are to betransmitted without slip;

b) for transmitted power by sliding or fixed gears, pulleys andother rotating members; and

c) for attaching parts that may require removal for indexing orchange in angular position.