IS 2380 : Part 1 to 21 : 1977 : Methods of Test for Wood Particle Boards and Boards from Other Lignocellulosic Materials

UDC 674.815 : 691.115 - 413 : 620.1 CED 20
Reaffirmed 2018


0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 16 August 1977, after the draft finalized by the Wood Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

0.2 Thi, standard has been formulated to specify methods of tests for evaluating the important characteristics of boards composed of wood particles or other lignocellulosic materials. However, it may not be necessary to apply all the tests to any particular board for use in any particular situation and it is, therefore, necessary to select those tests which are appropriate to each end use of the board.

0.3 The number of test specimens required for each test is not specified in this standard nor is any guidance given on sampling procedures. The reason for this is that the tests given in this standard may be wed for research purposes a3 manufacturers control tests or as purchasers acceptance tests. However, care should be exercised to use samples which are representative of the material under consideration and a record should be made of the sampling procedure adopted and the number of tests made. Some types of boards have markedly different properties in differentdirections. This is particularly true of extruded boards but applies in varying degree to platen pressed boards. It may then be necessary to carry out some of the tests on test specimens cut from the board in two directions at right angles to one another.

0.4 This standard was first published in 1963. This is the first revision of the standard. While revising the standard in light of the experience gained over these years, it has been considered advisable, for the sake of using these methods of tests and for keeping them up to date to publish the various methods of tests applicable to wood particle boards and boards from other lignoccllulosic materials as separate parts of IS : 2380.