IS 2537 : 1995 Meat and Meat Products - Beef and Buffalo Meat - Fresh, Chilled and Frozen - Technical Requirements

FAD 18
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

This standard prescribes the requirements for beef and buffalomeat - fresh, chilled and frozen.

2 References

IS 1982 : 1971Code of practice for ante-mortem and post-morteminspection of meat animals

IS 4393 : 1979Basic requirements for an abattoir

IS 5402 : 1969Methods for standard plate count of bacteria infoodstuffs

IS 5403 : 1969Method for yeast and mould count of foodstuffs

IS 5887Method for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning:

Part 1 : 1976 Part1 Isolation, identification and enumeration ofE.coli

Part 2 :1976 Part 2 Isolation, identification andenumeration ofStaphylococcus aureus and faecal streptococci

Part 3 :1976 Part 3 Isolation and identification of Salmonella and Shigella

IS 8182 : 1976Code of hygienic conditions for processed meat products

IS 10171 : 1987Guide on suitability of plastics for food packaging