IS 2599 : 1983 Methods for spectrographic analysis of high purity zinc and zinc base alloys for die casting

UDC 669.5 : 621.74.043 : 543.42 MTD 34
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers spectrographic methods involvingphotographic methods as well as direct reading instruments forquantitative determination of aluminium, copper, magnesium, iron,lead, tin and cadmium, in the ranges as specified in IS : 209-1979(Grade Zn 99.99) and IS : 713-1981.

2 References

IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values

IS 209 : 1979Specification for zinc

IS 713 : 1981Specification for zinc base alloy ingots for die casting

IS 6010 : 1971Recommended practice for photographic processing inspectrochemical analysis

IS 8816 : 1978Methods for selection and preparation of samples forspectrographic analysis of zinc and zinc alloys