IS 2637 : 2004 /ISO 487 : 1998 Steel Roller Chains, Types S and C, Attachments and Sprockets

UDC 621.85.055.2 - 034.1 : 672.642 PGD 33
Reaffirmed 2018

National Foreword

This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 487 : 1998`Steel roller chains, types S and C, attachments and sprocketsissued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on therecommendations of the Transmission Devices Sectional Committee andapproval of the Medical Instruments, General and ProductionEngineering Division Council.

Cross References

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 185 : 1988 IS 210 : 1993 Grey iron castings
ISO 606 : 1994 IS 2403 : 1991 Short pitch transmission steel roller chain and transmission steel roller chain and chain wheel