IS 2720 : Part 4 : 1985 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 4 : Grain Size Analysis

UDC 624.131.431.6 CED 43
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 4) covers the method for thequantitative determination of grain size distribution in soils.

1.1.1 Two methods are given for finding the distribution ofgrain sizes larger than 75-micron IS Sieve; the first method, wetsievings shail be applicable to all soils and the second, drysieving, shall be applicable only to soils which do not have anappreciable amount of clay.

1.1.2 For the determination of distribution of grain sizessmaller than 75-microns the pipette method is given as the standardmethod; the hydrometer method is given as a subsidiary method. Thismethod shall not applicable if less than 10 percent of the materialpasses the 75-micron IS Sieve.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 460 : Part 1 :1978 Specification for test sieves:Part 1 wire cloth test sieves

IS 1498 :1970Classification and identification of soil forgeneral engineering purposes

IS 2720 : Part 1 :1983 Methods of test for soils:Part 1 Preparation of dry soil samples forvarious tests

IS 2809 :1972Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soilsmechanics