IS 2724 : 2017 Quality Tolerances for Water for Pulp and Paper Industry

ICS 13.060.01; 85.040; 85.060

CHD 13

Reaffirmed 2022

1. Scope

This standard prescribes the quality tolerances for water used in pulp and paper industry.


The standards listed below contain provisions which, through reference in this text, which constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards given below.

1622 : 1981 Methods of sampling and microbiological examination of water (First revision)

3025 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical for water and wastewater

(Part 1) : 1987 Sampling (first revision)

(Part 4) : 1983 Colour (first revision)

(Part 5) : 1983 Odour (first revision)

(Part 10) : 1984 Turbidity (first revision)

(Part 11) : 1983 pH value

(Part 16) : 1984 Filterable residue (total dissolved solids) (first revision)

(Part 17) : 1984 Non-filterable residue (total suspended solids) (first revision)

(Part 21) : 2009 Hardness (second revision)

(Part 23) : 1986/ Alkalinity (first revision)

(Part 26) : 1986 Chlorine, residual (first revision)

(Part 53) : 2003 Iron (first revision)

(Part 59) : 2006 Manganese (first revision)