IS 2800 : 2019 Code of Practice for Construction and Testing of Tubewells

ICS 65.060.35; 73.100

MED 21

( Amalgamation of IS 2800 Part 1 and 2 )

New Standard from Last Update.

1. Scope

This code applies to drilling, construction and testing of medium to high capacity, filter packed tubewells drilled by rotary/percussion methods and used for agriculture, drinking water, industrial and other relatedpurposes. Standards for high capacity tubewells vary considerably from one part of the country to another. To a large extent, the hydro-geological conditions and well drilling methods dictate what materials or procedures are best. Thus, no single standard tubewell specification/code can be framed because of complex array of variables. In light of above, this code gives general guidance as regards to drilling, design, construction and testing procedures for installation of tubewells. The design engineer should make sure that each option selected does not conflict with other parts of tube well design or construction method.

2. References

The standards listed below contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below:

2062 : 2011 Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel (seventh revision)

4097 : 2019 Specification for material (gravel) for use as filter pack in tubewells ( first revision)

4270 : 2001 Steel tubes used for water wells — Specifications ( third revision)

8110 : 2000 Well screens and slotted pipes — Specifications ( second revision)

9439 : 2002 Glossary of terms used in water-well drilling technology ( first revision )

10500 : 2012 Drinking water — Specification ( second revision)

11189 : 1985 Methods for tubewell development

12818 : 2010 Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U) screen and casing pipes for bore/tubewell — Specifications ( second revision )