IS 3025 : Part 53 : 2024 Methods of Sampling and Test (Physical and Chemical) for Water and Wastewater - Part 53 Iron

ICS 13.060.50

CHD 36


1.1 This standard (Part 53) prescribes following four methods for the determination of iron in water and wastewater:

a) 1,10 phenanthroline method (applicable in the range of 75 ìg/1 to 500 ìg/1 of iron);

b) Direct air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (applicable for 0.3 mg/l to 10 mg/l) method;

c) Extraction/air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method; and

d) Inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy method.

1.2 Depending upon the concentration range and interference levels, choice of the method is made.


The standards listed below contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of these standards.

IS No. Title
IS 3025 Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water and wastewater:
(Part 2) : 2019/ISO 11885 : 2007 Determination of selected elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (first revision)
(Part 65) : 2022/ISO 17294-2 : 2016 Application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Determination of selected elements including uranium isotopes (first revision)
IS 7022 (Part 1) : 1973 Glossary of terms relating to water, sewage and industrial effluents: Part 1
IS 7022 (Part 2) : 1979 Glossary of terms relating to water, sewage and industrial effluents: Part 2
IS 17614 Water quality - Sampling:
(Part 1) : 2021/ISO 5667-1 : 2020 Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques
(Part 3) : 2021/ISO 5667-2018 Preservation and handling of water samples