IS 3082 : 2008 Assembly Tools for Screws and Nuts - Hexagon Socket Screw Keys

ICS 25.140.30 PGD 34
Reaffirmed 2013

National Foreword

This Indian Standard (Third Revision) which is identical with ISO 2936 : 2001 �Assembly tools forscrews and nuts - Hexagon socket screw keys� issued by the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of theAssembly Hand Tools Sectional Committee and approval of the Medical Instruments, General andProduction Engineering Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1965 and was first revised in 1973 in order to bring thespecification in line with the manufacturing practices then followed. Keys having nominal sizes 1.5, 2and 36 mm were included and key with nominal size 7 was deleted. The second revision was made in1988 by deriving necessary assistance from ISO 2936:1983 �Assembly tools for screws and nuts -Hexagon socket screw keys - Metric series�. In the second revision, the hardness values,dimensions and torque values had been modified.

The ISO Standard has since been revised as ISO 2936 : 2001. To align this standard withinternational practices, the Sectional Committee, dealing with the subject, decided to revise thestandard under dual numbering system. In this revision, three lengths and nominal sizes 0.7, 0.9 and1.3 mm have been introduced. The requirement of hardness has also been modified.

The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard withoutdeviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.

Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words �International Standard� appear referring to this standard, they shouldbe read as �Indian Standard�.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker in the International Standards, while inIndian Standards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which IndianStandards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards, which are to be substituted in theirrespective places, are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 898-1 : 1999 IS 1367 (Part 3) : 2002 Technical supply
conditions for threaded steel fasteners:
Part 3 Mechanical properties of fasteners
made of carbon steel and alloy steel -
Bolts, screws and studs (fourth revision)
ISO 898-5: 1998 IS 1367 (Part 5) :2002 Technical supply
conditions for threaded steel fasteners:
Part 5 Mechanical properties of fasteners
made of carbon steel and alloy steel -
Set screws and similar threaded
fasteners not under tensile stresses
third revision)
ISO 1703 : 1983 IS 6293 : 1996 Assembly tools for
screws and nuts - Nomenclature
(second revision)