IS 3290 : 1994 Household sewing machines - Thread take-up lever sub-assembly for cam type sewing machines - Specification

UDC 687.053.1 MED 29
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

This standard covers the requirements for thread take-up leversub-assembly for cam type sewing machines for household purposes.

2 References

IS 513 :1994Cold rolled low carbon steel sheets andstrips - Specification

IS 1068 :1993Electroplated coatings of nickel pluschromium and copper plus nickel pluschromium

IS 1079 :1994Hot rolled carbon steel sheets andstrips - Specification

IS 1570 : Part 2 : Sec 1 : 1979 Schedules forwrought steelsPart 2 Carbon steels (unalloyed steels),Section 1 wrought products (other thanwire) with specified chemicalcomposition and related properties