IS 4020 : Part 1 to 16 : 1998 : Door Shutters - Methods of Tests

UDC 69.057.6 : 614.8 CED 11
Reaffirmed 2018


This Indian Standard (parts I to 16) was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized by (he Doors, Windows and Shutters Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1967 and revised in 1992 and 1994. However, during the course ofthis period, a number of improvements have been made in carrying out these methods of tests and accordingly this standard is now being revised to bring it up-to-date.

Though 1994 version was published superseding IS 13034, IS 13027 (Parts I and 2) and to give a realistic relationship between the actual performances needed and the requirements that should be ensured for controlling the quality of production, some of the tests were not able to be conducted even by research laboratories.

Therefore, the Wood and Other Lignocellulosic Materials Subcommittee, CED 11:1, had discussed these problems and recommended for the early revision of this standard.

In this revision the following modifications have been made :

a) Equipment and criteria for conformity clauses have been removed from all parts.

b) Sampling and criteria for conformity clauses have to be suitably included in the respective product specifications.

c) Procedure clauses for some tests have been altered/simplified in view of difficulties experienced.

d) Differential Humidity Test has been deleted, considering the following factors:

i) Test facilities are not existing presently in the country;

ii) Cost of testing is very expensive at this stage; and

iii) This test is quite time consuming.