IS 4117 : 2008 Alcohol Denaturants - Specification

UDC 661.722.1 : 66.022.393 PCD 9
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

This standard prescribes the list for formulae of alcoholdenaturants, essential requirements, likely/permissibleend use applications, their limit tests in denaturedalcohol and methods of tests for various denaturantsin denatured alcohol.

2 References

The Indian Standards listed in Annex F containprovisions, which through reference in this textconstitute the provisions of this standard. At the timeof publication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision and parties toagree tnents based on this standard are encouraged toinvestigate the possibility of applying the most recenteditions of the standards indicated at Annex F.

List of Referred Indian Standards

IS No.                Title
IS 170 : 2004 Acetone - Specification (fourth
IS 229 : 1993 Ethyl acetate - Specification (third
IS 252 : 1991 Caustic soda, pure and technical
(third revision)
IS 266 : 1993 Sulphuric acid (third revision)
IS 323 : 2007 Rectified spirit for industrial use -
Specification (second revision)
IS 326 : Part 3 :
2006/ISO 279 :
Methods of sampling and test for nat-
ural and synthetic perfumery materials:
Part 3 Relative density (third
IS 326 : Part 5:
2006/ISO 280:
Methods of sampling and test for nat-
ural and synthetic perfumery materials:
Part 5 Determination of refractive
index (third revision)
IS 336 : 1973 Specification for ether (second
IS 517 : 1986 Specification for methanol (methyl
alcohol) (second revision)
IS 533 : 1998 Gum spirit of turpentine (oil of
turpentine) (second revision)
IS 534 : 2006 Benzene (fourth revision)
IS 537 : 1967 Toluene, pure, nitration grade
(second revision)
IS 643 : 1955 Cyclohexane (hexahydrobenzene)
for paints
IS 799 : 1985 Ammonia, liquor (second revision)
IS 1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water (third revision)
IS 1448 [P : 32]:
Methods of test for petroleum and its
products: Part 32 Density and relative
density (second revision)
IS 2631 : 1976 Specification for isopropyl alcohol
(first revision)
IS 2632 : 1964 Specification for crotonaldehyde
IS 2796 : 2000 Motor gasolines - Specification
(third revision)
IS 3134 : 1992 Menthol - Specification (first
IS 3321 : 1973 Specification for formaldehyde
asolution (first revision)
IS 5296 : 1995 Chloroform, pure and technical -
Specification (second revision)
IS 6749 : 1972 Glossary of terms relating to alcohol
(ethyl industry and trade)
IS 9850 : 2001 Specification for methyl iso-butyl
ketone (first revision)