IS 4756 : 1978 Safety code for tunneling work
UDC 624.191.2 : 614.8 | CED 29 |
Reaffirmed 2022 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard lays down the safety requirements fortunneling and underground excavations in rocks and soft strata.
1.2 This code does not cover tunnels made in connection withmining operations, gassy tunnels, and also tunnels made in runningground, where special methods like shield tunneling are adopted.
Note - `Gassy tunnel' wherever used in this code shall mean atunnel in any part of which flammable gas is present or is likelyto occur including a tunnel which is adjacent to or is approachingany such place.
1.3 Safety precautions to be observed during blasting andrelated drilling operations are covered separately in IS 4081 :1967.
2 References
IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values
IS 807 :1963Code of practice for design, manufacture,erection and testing (structural portion) ofcranes and hoists
IS 4081 :1967Safety code for blasting and related drillingoperations
IS 5778 : Part III : 1972 Code of practice forconstruction of tunnels:Part III Underground excavation in soft strata
IS 5878 : Part III :1972 Code of practice for construction oftunnels:Part III Underground excavation in soft strata